
Email me if you are interested in the preprints that are not available online.

Conference/workshop proceedings and journal publications

  1. CSR: Achieving 1 Bit Key-Value Cache via Sparse Representation
    Hongxuan Zhang, Yao Zhao, Jiaqi Zheng, Chenyi Zhuang, Jinjie Gu, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Philadelphia, PA, USA, February 25-March 4, 2025.

  2. In Search of a Memory-Efficient Framework for Online Cardinality Estimation
    Xun Song, Jiaqi Zheng, Hao Qian, Shiju Zhao, Hongxuan Zhang, Xuntao Pan, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), in press.

  3. Libra: A Congestion Control Framework for Diverse Application Preferences and Network Conditions
    Zhuoxuan Du, Jiaqi Zheng, Hebin Yu, Hongquan Zhang, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), in press.

  4. When P4 Meets Run-to-completion Architecture
    Hao Zheng, Xin Yan, Wenbo Li, Jiaqi Zheng, Xiaoliang Wang, Qingqing Zhao, Luyou He, Xiaofei Lai, Wanchun Dou, Guihai Chen, Chen Tian.
    In Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 28-30, 2025.

  5. Decision Focused Causal Learning for Direct Counterfactual Marketing Optimization
    Hao Zhou, Rongxiao Huang, Shaoming Li, Guibin Jiang, Jiaqi Zheng, Bing Cheng, Wei Lin.
    In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Barcelona, Spain, August 25-29, 2024.

  6. STATE: A Robust ATE Estimator of Heavy-Tailed Metrics for Variance Reduction in Online Controlled Experiments
    Hao Zhou, Kun Sun, Shaoming Li, Yangfeng Fan, Guibin Jiang, Jiaqi Zheng, Tao Li.
    In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Barcelona, Spain, August 25-29, 2024.

  7. μMon: Empowering Microsecond-level Network Monitoring with Wavelets
    Hao Zheng, Chengyuan Huang, Xiangyu Han, Jiaqi Zheng, Xiaoliang Wang, Chen Tian, Wanchun Dou, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 38th ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Sydney, Australia, August 4-8, 2024.

  8. When Classic Meets Intelligence: A Hybrid Multipath Congestion Control Framework
    Hebin Yu, Jiaqi Zheng, Zhuoxuan Du, Yu Liu, Bing Quan, Tao Chen, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), in press.

  9. Learning to Configure Converters in Hybrid Switching Data Center Networks
    Jiaqi Zheng, Zhuoxuan Du, Zhenqing Zha, Zixuan Yang, Xiaofeng Gao, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 32, No. 1, pages 520-534, 2024.

  10. Regional IP Anycast: Deployments, Performance, and Potentials
    Minyuan Zhou, Xiao Zhang, Shuai Hao, Xiaowei Yang, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou.
    In Proceedings of the 37th ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), New York City, USA, September 10-14, 2023.

  11. Revisiting Weighted AIMD-based Congestion Control: A Comprehensive Perspective
    Jiaqi Zheng, Changrong Wu, Tiancheng Lan, Chen Tian, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 31th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), Orlando, FL, USA, June 19-21, 2023.

  12. Optimizing Incremental SDN Upgrades for Load Balancing in ISP Networks
    Yunlong Cheng, Hao Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen.
    Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), in press.

  13. Couper: Memory-Efficient Cardinality Estimation under Unbalanced Distribution
    Xun Song, Jiaqi Zheng, Hao Qian, Shiju Zhao, Hongxuan Zhang, Xuntao Pan, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Anaheim, CA, USA, April 3-7, 2023.

  14. Direct Heterogeneous Causal Learning for Resource Allocation Problems in Marketing
    Hao Zhou, Shaoming Li, Guibin Jiang, Jiaqi Zheng, Dong Wang.
    In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Washington, DC, USA, February 7-14, 2023.

  15. SAFE: Service Availability via Failure Elimination Through VNF Scaling
    Rui Xia, Haipeng Dai, Jiaqi Zheng, Rong Gu, Xiaoyu Wang, Weijun Wang, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 31, No. 5, pages 2042-2057, 2023.

  16. Bounded Update to Optimize Network Performance in Software-defined Data Centers
    Akbar Majidi, Xiaofeng Gao, Shunjia Zhu, Nazila Jahanbakhsh, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 31, No. 1, pages 322-335, 2023.

  17. Continuous Network Update with Consistency Guaranteed in Software-Defined Networks
    Xin He, Jiaqi Zheng, Haipeng Dai, Cong Zhang, Geng Li, Wanchun Dou, Wajid Rafique, Qiang Ni, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 30, No. 3, pages 1424-1438, 2022.

  18. A Unified Model for Bi-objective Online Stochastic Bipartite Matching with Two-sided Limited Patience
    Gaofei Xiao, Jiaqi Zheng, Haipeng Dai.
    In Proceedings of the 41th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Virtual, May 2-5, 2022.

  19. Online Learning Bipartite Matching with Non-stationary Distributions
    Weirong Chen, Jiaqi Zheng, Haoyu Yu, Guihai Chen, Yixin Chen, Dongsheng Li.
    ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), Vol. 16, No. 5, pages 1-22, 2022.

  20. Bamboo Filters: Make Resizing Smooth
    Hancheng Wang, Haipeng Dai, Meng Li, Jun Yu, Rong Gu, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Virtual, May 9-12, 2022.

  21. Multi-Resource VNF Deployment in a Heterogeneous Cloud
    Jiaqi Zheng, Zixuan Zhang, Qiufang Ma, Xiaofeng Gao, Chen Tian, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Vol. 71, No. 1, pages 81-91, 2022.

  22. A Unified Congestion Control Framework for Diverse Application Preferences and Network Conditions
    Zhuoxuan Du, Jiaqi Zheng, Hebin Yu, Lingtao Kong, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Virtual, December 7-10, 2021.

  23. MPLibra: Complementing the Benefits of Classic and Learning-based Multipath Congestion Control [Teaser Video]
    Hebin Yu, Jiaqi Zheng, Zhuoxuan Du, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Virtual, November 1-5, 2021.

  24. CONFECT: Computation Offloading for Tasks with Hard / Soft Deadlines in Edge Computing
    Xin He, Jiaqi Zheng, Qiang He, Haipeng Dai, Bowen Liu, Wanchun Dou, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), Virtual, September 5-10, 2021.

  25. Buffer-Assisted Network Updates in Timed SDN
    Xin He, Jiaqi Zheng, Haipeng Dai, Yuhu Sun, Wanchun Dou, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), Vol. 69, No. 10, pages 6822-6837, 2021.

  26. Achieving Fast Loop-Free Updates with Ingress Port in Software-Defined Networks
    Guanhao Wu, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 29, No. 4, pages 1527-1539, 2021.

  27. Online Joint Optimization on Traffic Engineering and Network Update in Software-defined WANs
    Jiaqi Zheng, Yimeng Xu, Li Wang, Haipeng Dai, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, May 10-13, 2021.

  28. Dynamically Choosing the Candidate Algorithm with Ostasos in Online Optimization
    Weirong Chen, Jiaqi Zheng, Haoyu Yu.
    In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, May 10-13, 2021.

  29. Django: Bilateral Coflow Scheduling with Predictive Concurrent Connections
    Jiaqi Zheng, Liulan Qin, Kexin Liu, Bingchuan Tian, Chen Tian, Bo Li, Guihai Chen.
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol. 152, No. 1, pages 45-56, 2021.

  30. Deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Anisotropic Monitoring Tasks
    Weijun Wang, Haipeng Dai, Chao Dong, Fu Xiao, Jiaqi Zheng, Xiao Cheng, Guihai Chen, Xiaoming Fu.
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), in press.

  31. Scheduling Relaxed Loop-Free Updates within Tight Lower Bounds in SDNs
    Hao Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 28, No. 6, pages 2503-2516, 2020.

  32. Charging Task Scheduling for Directional Wireless Charger Networks
    Haipeng Dai, Ke Sun, Lijun Zhang, Jiaqi Zheng and Guihai Chen.
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), in press.

  33. Supporting Multi-dimensional and Arbitrary Numbers of Ranks for Software Packet Scheduling (Best-in-Session Presentation Award)
    Jiaqi Zheng, Yanan Jiang, Bingchuan Tian, Huaping Zhou, Chen Tian, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou
    In Proceedings of the 28th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), Hangzhou, China, June 15-17, 2020.

  34. Chronus+ : Minimizing Switch Buffer Size during Network Updates in Timed SDNs
    Xin He, Jiaqi Zheng, Haipeng Dai, Yuhu Sun, Wanchun Dou, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS), Singapore, July 8-10, 2020.

  35. P-PFC: Reducing Tail Latency with Predictive PFC in Lossless Data Center Networks
    Chen Tian, Bo Li, Liulan Qin, Jiaqi Zheng, Jie Yang, Wei Wang, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou.
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 31, No. 6, pages 1447-1459, 2020.

  36. MAN: Mutual Attention Neural Networks Model for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification in SIoT
    Nan Jiang, Fang Tian, Jin Li, Xu Yuan, Jiaqi Zheng.
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), Vol. 7, No. 4, pages 2901-2913, 2020.

  37. Coeus: Consistent and Continuous Network Update in Software-Defined Networks
    Xin He, Jiaqi Zheng, Haipeng Dai, Chong Zhang, Wajid Rafique, Geng Li, Wanchun Dou, Qiang Ni.
    In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Toronto, Canada, July 6-9, 2020.

  38. Packet-in Request Redirection for Minimizing Control Plane Response Time
    Rui Xia, Haipeng Dai, Jiaqi Zheng, Hong Xu, Meng Li, Guihai Chen.
    In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 18-22, 2020.

  39. Exploring Token-oriented In-network Prioritization in Datacenter Networks
    Kexin Liu, Bingchuan Tian, Chen Tian, Bo Li, Qingyue Wang, Jiaqi Zheng, Jiajun Sun, Yixiao Gao, Wei Wang, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou, Yanan Jiang, Huaping Zhou, Jingjie Jiang, Fan Zhang, Gong Zhang.
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 31, No. 5, pages 1223-1238, 2020.

  40. Optimizing NFV Chain Deployment in Software-defined Cellular Core
    Jiaqi Zheng, Chen Tian, Haipeng Dai, Qiufang Ma, Wei Zhang, Guihai Chen, Gong Zhang
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 38, No. 2, pages 248-262, 2020.

  41. Finding Persistent Items in Distributed Datasets
    Haipeng Dai, Meng Li, Alex X. Liu, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 28, No. 1, pages 1-14, 2020.

  42. Timed Data Plane Update in Data Center Network
    Yuxiang Liu, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen
    In proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Tianjin, China, December 4-6, 2019.

  43. Deep-ECN: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Marking-Aware via per-Port in Data Centers
    Akbar Majidi, Xiaofeng Gao, Nazila Jahanbakhsh, Shahram Jamali, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen
    In proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Tianjin, China, December 4-6, 2019.

  44. Sentinel: Failure Recovery in Centralized Traffic Engineering
    Jiaqi Zheng, Hong Xu, Xiaojun Zhu, Guihai Chen, Yanhui Geng
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TNET), Vol. 27, No. 5, pages 1859-1872, 2019.

  45. Dynamic Load Balancing in Hybrid Switching Data Center Networks with Converters
    Jiaqi Zheng, Qiming Zheng, Xiaofeng Gao, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Kyoto, Japan, August 5-8, 2019.

  46. SAFE: Service Availability via Failure Elimination through VNF Scaling
    Rui Xia, Haipeng Dai, Jiaqi Zheng, Rong Gu, Xiaoyu Wang, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Kyoto, Japan, August 5-8, 2019.

  47. Practical Heterogeneous Wireless Charger Placement with Obstacles
    Xiaoyu Wang, Haipeng Dai, Weijun Wang, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou, Xiaobing Wu
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 19, No. 8, pages 1910-1927, 2019.

  48. Orchestrating Service Chain Deployment with Plutus in Next Generation Cellular Core
    Jiaqi Zheng, Qiufang Ma, Chen Tian, Haipeng Dai, Wei Zhang, Guihai Chen, Gong Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, June 24-25, 2019.

  49. A Tight Lower Bound for Relaxed Loop-Free Updates in SDNs
    Hao Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS), Dallas, Texas, USA, July 7-10, 2019.

  50. Congestion-Free Rerouting of Multiple Flows in Timed SDNs
    Jiaqi Zheng, Bo Li, Chen Tian, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, Guihai Chen, Jie Wu, Rui Li
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 37, No. 5, pages 968-981, 2019.

  51. Radiation Constrained Fair Charging for Wireless Power Transfer
    Lanlan Li, Haipeng Dai, Guihai Chen, Jiaqi Zheng, Wanchun Dou, Xiaobing Wu
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), Vol. 15, No. 2, pages 1-33, 2019.

  52. Provably Efficient Algorithms for VNF Routing Optimization
    Shike Zhang, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Sentosa, Singapore, December 11-13, 2018.

  53. Hermes: Utility-aware Network Update in Software-defined WANs
    Jiaqi Zheng, Qiufang Ma, Chen Tian, Bo Li, Haipeng Dai, Hong Xu, Guihai Chen, Qiang Ni
    In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Cambridge, UK, September 24-27, 2018.

  54. DCQCN+: Taming Large-scale Incast Congestion in RDMA over Ethernet Networks
    Yixiao Gao, Yuchen Yang, Chen Tian, Jiaqi Zheng, Bing Mao, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Cambridge, UK, September 24-27, 2018.

  55. Heterogeneous Wireless Charger Placement with Obstacles
    Xiaoyu Wang, Haipeng Dai, Weijun Wang, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou, Xiaobing Wu
    In Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Eugene, Oregon, USA, August 13-16, 2018.

  56. Charging Task Scheduling for Directional Wireless Charger Networks
    Haipeng Dai, Ke Sun, Alex X. Liu, Lijun Zhang, Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Eugene, Oregon, USA, August 13-16, 2018.

  57. Cache Assisted Randomized Sharing Counters in Network Measurement
    Qian Liu, Haipeng Dai, Alex X. Liu, Qi Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Jiaqi Zheng
    In Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Eugene, Oregon, USA, August 13-16, 2018.

  58. Scheduling Congestion-Free Updates of Multiple Flows with Chronicle in Timed SDNs
    Jiaqi Zheng, Bo Li, Chen Tian, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, Guihai Chen, Jie Wu
    In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS), Vienna, Austria, July 2-5, 2018.

  59. Support ECN in Multi-Queue Datacenter Networks via per-Port Marking with Selective Blindness
    Yawen Pan, Chen Tian, Jiaqi Zheng, Gong Zhang, Hengky Susanto, Bo Bai, Guihai Chen
    In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS), Vienna, Austria, July 2-5, 2018.

  60. Scheduling Congestion- and Loop-free Network Update in Timed SDNs
    Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Stefan Schmid, Haipeng Dai, Jie Wu, Qiang Ni
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 35, No. 11, pages 2542-2552, 2017.

  61. Chronus: Consistent Data Plane Updates in Timed SDNs
    Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Stefan Schmid, Haipeng Dai, Jie Wu
    In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS), Atlanta, GA, USA, June 5-8, 2017.

  62. Radiation Constrained Fair Wireless Charging
    Lanlan Li, Haipeng Dai, Guihai Chen, Jiaqi Zheng, Yang Zhao, Pengxiang Zeng
    In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), San Diego, CA, USA, June 12-14, 2017.

  63. Congestion-Minimizing Network Update in Data Centers
    Jiaqi Zheng, Hong Xu, Guihai Chen, Haipeng Dai, Jie Wu
    IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), Vol. 12, No. 5, pages 800-812, 2016.

  64. We've Got You Covered: Failure Recovery with Backup Tunnels in Traffic Engineering
    Jiaqi Zheng, Hong Xu, Xiaojun Zhu, Guihai Chen, Yanhui Geng
    In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Singapore, Nov 8-11, 2016.

  65. Minimizing Transient Congestion during Network Update in Data Centers (Best Paper Award)
    Jiaqi Zheng, Hong Xu, Guihai Chen, Haipeng Dai
    In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov 10-13, 2015.

  66. Minimizing Transient Congestion during Network Update in Data Centers
    Jiaqi Zheng, Hong Xu, Guihai Chen, Haipeng Dai
    In Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, 2014.